Guiding philosophy

“One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests.”

John Stuart Mill


  • Congratulations on reaching the 50th anniversary of your birth Ejakait Okoit

    Congratulations on reaching the 50th anniversary of your birth Ejakait Okoit

    Ejakait James Ezron Okoit, son of the late Ejakait Eng. George William Obityo Owaraga and grandson of the late Ejakait Yosia Engatunyun, April is you birth month. As of 10th April 2024, you have attained the privilege of landing on level five. May you always find the strength and wisdom to emulate your ancestors and…

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  • Social media Vs traditional media in effectively curbing corruption in Uganda

    Social media Vs traditional media in effectively curbing corruption in Uganda

    In recent times I have read and listened to my fellow Ugandans bash traditional media for not being pro-active and at the forefront of the fight against corruption in Uganda. Branding traditional media – print, radio and television as antiquated in comparison posts of ‘anti-corruption warriors’ on social media. A major ad hominem critique of…

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  • “Tears & Triumph – My Life with Yoweri Museveni and Others,” a book review

    “Tears & Triumph – My Life with Yoweri Museveni and Others,” a book review

    My thoughts on “Tears & Triumph – My life with Yoweri Museveni and Others” by Onapito Ekomoloit; which according to its book cover is described as “a glimpse of Uganda’s journalism and politics in the late 20th and early 21st Century.” First, I loved and enjoyed reading Tears & Triumph. I am likely to read…

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  • Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 upheld on the basis of myths

    Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 upheld on the basis of myths

    The Constitutional Court’s central-logic and premise for upholding the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 includes: “The uniqueness of Uganda’s Constitution which obliges the courts of law to take into account the country’s socio-cultural norms, values and aspirations when resolving any dispute before them. The Anti-Homosexuality Act being, in general, a reflection of the social-cultural realities of the…

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  • How empowering it is to learn the joke has been on me for decades

    How empowering it is to learn the joke has been on me for decades

    I am reflecting on how for decades the joke has been on me and how my learning of it has empowered me in ways I never dreamed possible. Of course, I am hurt to learn about it, but I am exhilarated that now I know of the true colours of she that has had me…

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  • Our prisoner was released from remand in Kamuge Prison, he is out and is well

    Our prisoner was released from remand in Kamuge Prison, he is out and is well

    You who grew up in Entebbe knew him by his nickname Obone, derived from his Iteso name Okoit, which is derived from the Ateso word akoit, which means bone. You who got to know him in later years, from senior secondary school level and above, you probably know him as Jemo, derived from his Christian…

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